Airports > Europe > United Kingdom
Aberdeen Airport [L]Alderney Airport [S]Barra Airport [S]Belfast City Airport [L]Belfast International Airport
Benbecula Airport [S]Birmingham AirportBlackpool Airport [S]Bournemouth Airport [M]Bristol Airport
Bristol Filton Airport [S]Cambridge Airport [S]Campbeltown Airport [S]Cardiff Airport [M]Carlisle Airport
Cornwall Lands End Airport [S]Derry Airport [S]Doncaster Airport [M]Dundee Airport [S]East Midlands Airport
Edinburgh AirportExeter Airport [M]Gatwick AirportGlasgow AirportGlasgow Prestwick Airport [L]
Gloucestershire Airport [S]Guernsey Airport [M]Humberside Airport [S]Inverness Airport [M]Islay Airport [S]
Isle of Man Airport [M]Isles of Scilly Airport [S]Jersey Airport [M]Kirkwall Airport [S]Leeds Bradford Airport
Liverpool John Lennon AirportLondon City Airport London Heathrow AirportLondon Kent Airport [S]London Luton Airport
London Southend Airport [S]London Stansted AirportManchester AirportNewcastle international AirportNewquay Airport [S]
Norwich Airport [M]Oxford Airport [S]Southampton Airport [L]Stornoway Airport [S]Sumburgh Airport [S]
Swansea Airport [S]Tees Valley Durham Airport [S]Tiree Airport [S]Wick Airport [S]

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