Airports > Pacific > New Zealand
Auckland AirportBlenheim Marlborough Airport [S]Chatham Islands-Tuuta AirportChristchurch International AirportDunedin Airport [M]
Gisborne Airport [S]Great Barrier Aerodrome [S]Hamilton Airport [M]Hokitika Airport [S]Invercargill Airport [S]
Kaitaia Airport [S]Kerikeri Airport Bay of Islands [S]Napier Hastings Hawkes Bay Airport [S]Nelson Airport [M]New Plymouth Airport [S]
Palmerston North Airport [M]Paraparaumu Airport [S] Kapiti CoastQueenstown Airport [M]Rotorua Airport [M]Taupo Airport [S]
Tauranga Airport [M]Timaru Airport [S]Wanaka Airport [S]Wanganui Airport [S]Wellington International Airport
Westport Airport [S]Whakatane Airport [S]Whangarei Airport [S]Whitianga Airport [S]

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